purple child

Monday, September 27, 2004

Here I'am

Ok.... I have been behaving like a psycho for the past 24 hours. Completely obsessing, obviously letting go of pride and self respect and the result is as expected.....as always. Here I'am.
I am not the only one. Cranky cousin called and was absolutely shocked at her own idiotic behaviour. She has been checking matrimonials for herself. So I spent sometime explaining to her that when parents are very chilled out about certain things one must swing into action immediately. Its a matrimonial for godssake...... just that. Not like knowing a loser for 5 years.

I walked into the office...or no walked into a meeting and found out that the prime time show had one segment that was coming from yours truly....ahhhh such fun. Well it is a lot of fun because I will go and report after what seems like an eternity. All I hope is that I stick to my time. And my schedule. And have my package ready by 8:40 pm. Period.

Have also been haunting my boyfriend and am sure that by the time its time to talk he'd just want to scream at me. Or wait better still do what he does best. The silent treatment.
It's not as if I can be expected to just switch off and on whenever. Anyway there is no need or point in cribbing. Let it be.

Saw the interiors of this spectacular Lutyens' house. Can't imagine living in such a colossal structure. The garden I must admit was very shabby. If I had the pleasure of owning such a beautiful thing....

I'm being and not being unreasonable. Am done for the moment. I hope I learn to let go people and things someday. Before this (very temporary, but acute) feeling of being left alone just consumes me completely.


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