purple child

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Finding my God

Ya well long time.... lots happened. And all's well. I have been on a very philosophical religious trip for a while now. To understand what God is all about. Have come down to some conclusions the contents of which I will discuss in this blog.
God is omnipresent. He is, atleast thats why we worship him....some of us fear him. When people say things to their children like " Do this or God will punish you" Don't do this or God will not give you this that and all that jazz... they automatically make their children fear God. But no one needs to fear him. Thats number one.

God was here much before we were born. So please some of us need not make rules for others to follow.

Faith is what makes people pray....You know whats amazing. They can have faith in a little stone idol. They can't seem to have one hundredth of that in themselves. That is so sad. Because (yes I know its wrong to start a sentence like that)

So who is God and where is he? Well the way I see it he's here in all of us. In each of us he is there in the form of a conscience. The voice within and we always have the choice. To do the right thing or the wrong. And thats what makes the world. People. The Right and wrong. The Left and right. The twisted and the straight. It takes all kinds to make this world.

It's simple folks, if God were to understand only Sanskrit or Latin Or Hebrew then how will the rickshaw puller find him? He'd be Godless because he doesn't know any of the above mentioned languages. But he is not like that. He's everybody's. From mine to yours to the milkman to the leper, the hungry dog with menengitis. The fact of the matter is that if God was an exclusivist the way we think he is, then he wouldn't be God.
And reasoning is the best part of being a human. Its really that simple.
Religion makes for most of the issues in the world. But we were to realise that the when we evolved from the molecular stage and finally walked on two legs on the face of this planet we didnt seem to need God. We did, eventually. Until then we followed instincts. We came a long way. We have.
And religion was formulated to discipline mankind. In herds, groups. To reinstate faith. To know that there was someone who is watching us. Our actions. So how does it matter whether you pray every Friday or every Sunday. If he's in your heart. He's always with you. But if you are trying to seek him by fearing him then there's no point. Its a vicious circle. The more you fear the more you indulge in activities that suck you into an undending rigmarole.
I'm not preaching, am talking to myself, addressing myself. Telling myself that if I do my work with all that I have in me I can make it really big.
Thank you God. Thank you for being here. Within me.


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