purple child

Saturday, November 20, 2004


What goes around comes around...I don't know but I feel like saying this to myself. I have come to a conclusion that for every nasty thng I do or say...I receive something equally or more hurting than the hurt I might have caused to others. Well deserved only.
And now for some shocking revelations....I have discovered that am not "chilled out" actually far from it am a hyperventilating, super annoying (under pressure) nail biting, teeth clenching very very un-cool human being. And I really give two hoots about what other people think about me because at the end of the day am also the most forgiving and forget(ting) person.

I interviewed KamalHasan, south india's most celebrated actors. After a harrowing day, the types where there are a lot of events but no story.... really apart from some crappy soft stories...and after all that jazz meeting him gave me such a rush. Sometimes I wonder how lucky i'am. Getting things I have always wanted. And things that I thought are too much to ask for. This was one of them. With atleast a zillion butterflies in my stomach I went to ask him just 4 questions. I have never met anyone so sure of himself. When people aren't self assured they get defensive... like yours truly but not him. The whole interview went off like a breeze......shaking hands with 'he the man' .
I also realised that I might not be a pushy persistent person in my personal life... for instance if am asked not to do something I just would shut off. Getting on peoples nerves is a no no. But for an interview I can bug the crap out of anyone.... if I can interview Kamal I can interview anyone....
Yours Truly
The conceited b@#*h!